Long Time No Post // POTD 07.12.19

I have been neglecting my social media accounts and website lately. I swear there is a good reason! I’ve been in the process of starting a new job. I’m no longer working in electronic field production with Woodbine Entertainment Group. Just this week I started my new roll with the communications team at Trillium Health Partners as their video production specialist. I can’t wait to share some of the new content I’ll be creating.

For now I’ll share this fun pair of images from Sri Lanka. The edit on these were inspired by an incredible set of photos from a photographer named Richard Mosse taken in the Congo using Kodak Aerochrome film. The film renders the lush green landscape into a surreal array of pinks and reds. Unfortunately this type of film has been discontinued and is extremely tough to come. I couldn’t get my hands on any so I just did my best to replicate it in Photoshop. I hope you enjoy. :)

POTD 15.08.19 - Leuty Light

One of the great pleasures of living beside the beach is the ability to get out there on a moments notice. When I see the sky lighting up like this it’s just a hop skip and a jump to get to a good viewing point. Getting out as often as possible is the hardest part.

POTD 23.07.19 - Beach(es)Composite

While taking a stroll in my ‘hood I spotted this beautiful Datsun parked so perfectly in front of a flower store. It was terrible light out, but I snapped a pic anyways. I decided to grab a separate photo of the light in the sky from the setting sun later in the day. I combined these elements together in Photoshop threw some faux film grain on it and BOOM, we’ve got ourselves a certified banger! I know some folks might get uptight about faking a photo, but I just like to create stuff, even if it’s a scene that never really happened. Enjoy it, or don’t! I’m not the boss of you.


Streets Shanghai/Kunming

Here is a selection of street photos from Shanghai and Kunming, China. Click on the images below to see the full photo, once you've done that you can click the small white circle in the corner to see the description, if you are on pc or mac just hover your mouse. Hope you enjoy!