Happy Winter Solstice // POTD 21.12.21

December 21st is the darkest day of the year. If you are in the northern hemisphere each day we get through in the fall is shorter than the last. The 4pm sunsets can be a real drag. But after today, incrementally, each day we get a bit more light than the last.

We’ve got some brighter days ahead.

Canon Sure Shot A1 review cont'd: Colour shots

Here are a few colour shots taken with the Canon Sure Shot A1 using Kodak Portra 400 film. For more shots from the Canon Sure Shot as well as some personal thoughts on the camera, click HERE.

POTD 06.11.18

The fall colours are sticking around for a long time this year. I welcome them to stay forever. I love how there are spots like this within the city of Toronto. Just a hop, skip and jump away from my house I found this beautiful park with the full fall yellows on display. Absolutely gorgeous. Make sure you get out to enjoy the autumn palette before it turns white.



This point and shoot might look like a toy, but don’t let it’s looks fool you.

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