The Incredible Hulk Visits Grandpa // POTD 23.04.20

A few days back I spotted this family outside of the hospital waving and talking up to someone a few floors up. I realized they were visiting a family member. Since there are no more visitors in the hospital this is what a lot of families have to do to get a face to face visit in.

”Since we’re not allowed to visit with everything that is going on, we try to go by everyday to chat through the window. Our four year old decided it would be fun to dress up in a new costume every day to put a smile on his face. It seems to be doing the trick.”


Toronto Star Article: Nurse connects ICU patient with his family

I shot some images for The Toronto Star. It’s been a while since I’ve had anything news related published. It was nice to shoot some images for a positive COVID-19 related story. The article can be found HERE. It’s free too, because The Toronto Star has made all of their COVID-19 related content free to access to the public. Good guy Toronto Star! Here is the image they used, as well as a few of the outtakes.

IAN & ALLISON Wedding Shoot!

I shot my first wedding earlier in the month. I was a little nervous taking this on because not only was I going to be the photographer, but I was also a groomsman. This brought about a few challenges but fortunately for me, my girlfriend Talia joined me on the shoot. Talia was able to pick up all the shots I had to be in. This took a big weight off my shoulders. I couldn't imagine having to set up the shots on a tripod, setting a timer and running into the shot. I probably would have been a sweaty mess from all the running. That wouldn't have been an ideal situation. Crisis avoided!

Despite being a bit nervous the day went on smoothly and the pictures came out great. I've delivered the final product and I'm really excited that the bride and groom are happy with the photos. All and all this was a very positive experience and I'm looking forward to my next wedding shoot.

Here are some of my favourite shots from the wedding. Let me know what you think!


Faux Double Exposure of the Bride and Groom.

Bride in Assiniboine Forest.