Cat Stevens' Adoption Story // HBD Cat

Back a few years ago when I was working at a small time TV station in Winnipeg, Manitoba we would often do morning show segments featuring animals from the humane society. It was to encourage the people of Winnipeg to consider adopting pets instead of buying from a pet store. When shooting these segments I often got to choose the animals that would be featured. For one of these segments I was drawn to a cute, mild mannered, orange tabby named Izzy. During the shooting and in between segments I quickly grew attached to little Izzy. Shortly after the Morning Show was over I called up my girlfriend to ask her if she would be okay with us adopting a cat. She was on the fence about the commitment, but I was able to win her over. As soon as my shift was done I drove over to the Winnipeg Humane Society to pick up Izzy. He was such a good boy and I knew that I had to cruz over there as soon as possible. I was certain someone else would have scooped him up really quick. Luckily when I arrived he was still there. I filled out the adoption forms, renamed him Cat Stevens and from that point on our family of two became a family of three. HBD Cat Stevens!

Hello Begonia and Congrats!

Congrats to Winnipeg musician Begonia on her album release. Gave it a listen today and it is just delightful. I’d suggest you give it a go as well! FEAR - BEGONIA

A few years back I shot a few videos of them for a local radio station to promote her music. The band was a pleasure to work with and I wish them all the best on this newest album.

Throwback Thursday - Punch Buggy, No Returns!

Yesterday was the final day of production for the iconic Volkswagen Beetle. The Beetle was originally meant to fulfill Hitler’s vision of the ‘people’s car’ and later adopted by hippies around the world. I remember driving around in my uncle’s Bug and thinking it was so bizarre that it had a tiny little flower vase built into the dashboard… What a strange little car. Whether you love it or hate it, it’s probably one of the most recognizable cars of all time.

In honour of this odd automobile reaching the end of the road here is an old VW Bug I spotted off the side of a dirt road near Winnipeg, Manitoba. These images were used in a feature I shot for Global News a few years back.

Farewell to the Beetle!

POTD 11.02.19

I’ve spent the past couple days in Winnipeg. I’ve always loved the way this city embraces the winter months. The extreme cold is no reason to be a sad butt who stays inside all of the time. Take a lesson from a Pegger, throw on your warmest wool socks and get out there and have some fun!


Throwback - Begonia - Juniper

The other night I went to see Begonia and Royal Canoe live at a bar here in Toronto. The show was amazing and I definitely recommend giving those bands a listen if you haven't already heard them. After seeing these guys play I remembered a video I shot/edited of Begonia for Fresh FM and Global News a few years back.

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Found Film pt.1

I was recently going through a shelf of my old 35mm cameras and I found some canisters of undeveloped film. One black and white and one colour. What a pleasant surprise! I decided to bring them in to get developed. They certainly aren't the greatest pictures, but something about having them stored away for a year makes them feel a bit more special.

These are the images that were locked away. I believe they are photos from between January-April 2017. Shot on a Pentax ME Super with some 1 dollar garage sale mystery film. I'll share the colour photos today and the black and whites tomorrow.