From dusk to DON - Before and After

Here is a "Before and After" sequence of a photo of Don Valley that I shot the other day. I had a handful of people message me asking about how much I had manipulated the photograph and what sort of gear I used, etc... Rather than explaining what exactly I had done to the pictures, take a look for yourself.


Like almost every photographer ever, most of the time I try to get images correct in camera. I want to be happy with an image directly from camera. Despite this, there is obviously so much value in using post-processing to create a look and feel on an image. I've been using Photoshop for a while now and I figured it would be a good time to take my photo-editing game up a peg. I've been practicing and adding new editing techniques to my repertoire. Here are some images I've recently edited using these new-to-me photoshop tricks. I've included the untouched image so you can see the difference.  Click on the images below to view in their full-sized glory.