Canada COVID Portraits

Check out this cool outdoor exhibit located at The Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, Ontario. The project is called Canada Covid Portrait. It’s a visual chronicling of how our lives have been impacted by COVID-19. The outside of The Harbourfront Centre has been covered in images by photographers from all across Canada, that capture how much day to day life has changed across the country.

Canada COVID Portrait Exhibit as seen from a parking garage near the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, ON.

Canada COVID Portrait Exhibit as seen from a parking garage near the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, ON.

One of my images was selected for this exhibit. I’m pretty excited about this for a few different reasons. It’s always rewarding to see your images in the physical world, rather than just on a screen. It’s also great to have your name mentioned alongside some of the other amazing photographers that are on display here.

A woman cycles past the exhibit at The Harbourfront Centre.

A woman cycles past the exhibit at The Harbourfront Centre.

I’m grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to work as a videographer/photographer at a hospital during a pandemic. If you told me in my interview at Trillium Health Partners that a global pandemic was imminent I might have reconsidered the job offer. Now that I’m in it I feel nothing but lucky. It is a privilege to get to document what is happening inside the hospital and work with the amazing people who step up and selflessly serve their community. 


Conserving PPE by Decontaminating N95 Masks

A project shot for Trillium Health Partners. I went for a How It’s Made kind of vibe with this video. How did I do?

“Based on existing evidence and guidance from Ontario Health, Trillium Health Partners is decontaminating and storing N95 masks as part of our personal protective equipment (PPE) conservation plan to make sure that a safe supply of PPE is always immediately available. We will only use decontaminated N95 masks if our current supply is depleted and no other option is available.”

More work I’ve done with Trillium Health Partners can be found HERE.

THP 3D Prints PPE for Frontline Staff

Shot for Trillium Health Partners.

As we continue working together against COVID-19, the world of health care has had to adapt quickly to deal with the widespread shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE). At THP, the Command Centre PPE Innovations Team is meeting that challenge head on, using 3D printers to create face shields and mask extenders for frontline staff.

Last Video Project Before Holiday

"To optimize the performance of personal protective equipment (PPE), it is important to ensure the proper donning and doffing procedures are being followed at all times."

This is one of the last projects that I worked on with Trillium Health Partners before I left for holidays at the end of February. Little did I or anyone else know how important this video would become in the coming weeks. It is pretty wild how much life has seemed to change for all of us in such a short amount of time.

Stay safe and take care!