Olympus Infinity Stylus - AGFA APX 25 // 2020-2021

If you’re looking for my review on the Olympus Infinity Stylus click HERE.

I developed a roll of film that I had sitting in my camera for well over a year. It’s always fun to get film developed, especially when it’s a bit of a time capsule like this one was. I pretty much totally forgot what was on it! Some pre-pandemic memories all the way up to some recent outings.

I pulled a few of my favourite images from this roll to share here.

Cat Stevens' Adoption Story // HBD Cat

Back a few years ago when I was working at a small time TV station in Winnipeg, Manitoba we would often do morning show segments featuring animals from the humane society. It was to encourage the people of Winnipeg to consider adopting pets instead of buying from a pet store. When shooting these segments I often got to choose the animals that would be featured. For one of these segments I was drawn to a cute, mild mannered, orange tabby named Izzy. During the shooting and in between segments I quickly grew attached to little Izzy. Shortly after the Morning Show was over I called up my girlfriend to ask her if she would be okay with us adopting a cat. She was on the fence about the commitment, but I was able to win her over. As soon as my shift was done I drove over to the Winnipeg Humane Society to pick up Izzy. He was such a good boy and I knew that I had to cruz over there as soon as possible. I was certain someone else would have scooped him up really quick. Luckily when I arrived he was still there. I filled out the adoption forms, renamed him Cat Stevens and from that point on our family of two became a family of three. HBD Cat Stevens!

SKETCH OF THE DAY 12.07.19 - First Commissioned Digital Illustration

As a young lad I thoroughly enjoyed drawing. I would sit down and watch YTV and try to draw my favourite animated characters. From the prince of the fallen Saiyan race to a sponge that lived in a pineapple under the sea, I would attempt to draw them all! As I grew older these energies were focused into other things and my passion for drawing dwindled to doodles in the margins of my notebooks. Drawing took a backseat to photography/videography and music. Flash-forward many years later and something unexpected happened. I was introduced to Procreate, a powerful and intuitive drawing application. If you follow along with anything I post across my social media platforms you may have noticed that I’ve been posting a lot of digital drawings lately. This app has single-handedly rekindled my interest in drawing. In the past few weeks I’ve been setting aside time just about everyday to get a little practice in to make up for all my lost drawing time. Recently I had someone I know notice that I was doing a lot of drawing, so she decided to hit me up to see if I was up for the task of doing a portrait of her beloved kitty-cat which she recently had to get put down. I was honoured and willing to make an attempt at it. I wasn’t sure exactly how to approach this because what I usually draw is a bit more cartoony, but I gave it a go anyways. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out and more importantly she seemed very happy with it as well. Here is my Illustration of Lyla the cat. May she rest in peace.


This illustration took way longer than I care to admit, but it’s all welcomed practice. I learned a lot about workflow and the order of operations when doing this sort of thing. I hope to get more opportunities to do this kind of work in the future.

Special Delivery! New Business Cards.

Just received my new business cards in the mail. I've never had my own personal business cards before, so I'm pretty jazzed to get these. Here is what they look like!

The front...

The front...

...aaaand the back.

...aaaand the back.

This is a pretty uninteresting post, so here is a picture of my cat to hopefully make it worth your time.