Something unexpected has happened to me! I’ve purchased a Fujifilm Camera. No knock on Fujifilm, but I never saw myself switching camera brands. I’ve got a well rounded Canon kit. Canon has been nothing but reliable, so I figured why in the heck would I ever change systems?
My biggest gripe with my current kit is that the body and lenses are BIG, even with the mirrorless bodies. This is totally fine by me. I shoot a ton of video so I’m used to hauling cameras, lenses, tripods, lights, C stands, sand bags, etc with me everywhere. But for everyday carry I often wouldn’t feel like bringing a hulking DSLR and lens out with me on the streets or to a hang out with a friend just was not practical. Obviously the solution would be a smaller camera. I had been enjoying shooting with the 35mm Olympus Infinity, but developing film is a pain in the butt and with film being so expensive I would be pretty precious about what it was I was shooting. A FujiFilm rep must have sensed that I had camera needs that weren’t being met. One contacted me and offered up a few cameras for me to try. I got him to send the X100v my way.
As soon as I got my hands on the X100V I fell in love. Beyond the size requirements this camera filled so many other needs I didn’t even know I had. The film simulations, creating “recipes” in camera, the aesthetics, just everything felt so right. This camera made me feel excited and inspired. I have added this camera to my everyday carry bag. My hope with this camera is to shoot and document my daily life. This is something that I haven’t been doing as consistent as I would like. When you are shooting for work everyday it’s so easy to leave your camera at home during your off-time. For me, this is the camera to change that.
The images below are JPGs straight out of camera—no editing! I’m looking forward to sharing more images from the X100V.
Olympus Infinity Stylus - AGFA APX 25 // 2020-2021
If you’re looking for my review on the Olympus Infinity Stylus click HERE.
I developed a roll of film that I had sitting in my camera for well over a year. It’s always fun to get film developed, especially when it’s a bit of a time capsule like this one was. I pretty much totally forgot what was on it! Some pre-pandemic memories all the way up to some recent outings.
I pulled a few of my favourite images from this roll to share here.
FILM CAMERA REVIEW: Olympus Infinity Stylus 35mm
Here we go with another film camera review!
This time I’ve got the Olympus Infinity Stylus. My girlfriend managed to pick this point-and-shoot up at a garage sale for a whopping three dollars. An unheard of price for any point-and-shoot. Since one of those Kardashian gals boasted about her film camera on Jimmy Fallon, it seems like all point-and-shoot cameras have surged in price.
I’ve heard a lot of great things about the Olympus Stylus line of cameras, although, in person it seems a little less than impressive. It’s a camera I wouldn’t have given two looks if it weren’t for all the hype. It’s plastic, it’s simple and doesn’t feel all too durable. However, considering it’s compact size and small price tag I’m willing to give it a chance.
Not much to look at…
….not much to hold either.
I’m no film camera connoisseur. I’m actually pretty easy when it comes to film. As long as it functions as you would expect it to and it gives you some decent images I’m a pretty happy customer. Using this camera was a pleasure. I loaded it up with an old roll of AGFA APX 25 put it in my camera bag and went on my way. Here were my results:
The lonely streets of Guelph Ontario. Surprisingly this was taken pre-pandemic. Doesn’t look like it though!
First of all, I love the size of this camera. I could carry this with the rest of my camera kit and it would never be a burden. I would hardly notice it was there. It’s around the same size as your average disposable camera. You can comfortably carry it in your front pocket, and sometimes I did. The next thing I enjoyed about this camera was how simple it is to operate. Open the front door and you’re ready to shoot. Focus, frame, release the shutter and that’s it! It doesn’t get much easier than that. The next thing I noticed about using this camera was… well honestly, nothing else really. This Olympus is so simple and that’s the beauty of it. It’s a point-and-shoot... What more can really be said about the operation of this camera?
One nit-picky comment I have about this camera is that every time you close the door at the front it resets all settings. This means you have to be mindful of your flash as it will reset to “auto”. I like these point and shoots because they are super stealthy for street photography. It can be a little embarrassing if your flash goes off when you are trying to be a photo-ninja. This is something that you might do once and then probably learn your lesson and never do again. Very minor gripe. Something I got over almost immediately.
All in all if you are in the market for an easy-to-use camera that is portable and truly fool proof, The Olympus Stylus checks off all of those boxes. The one thing I would be aware of is the potentially high price tag. While this camera is a great little point-and-shoot, it’s not worth shelling out a ton of cash for. If you come across one on the cheap, pick it up. If it’s anything over $40 don’t even bother. Even $40 feels like a lot. Love this camera but wait until the point-and-shoot stock goes down before you buy
Type: Fully automatic, Point-and-Shoot 35mm AF lens/shutter camera with built-in flash.
Lens: 32 mm f/3.5
Focus: Active Multi-Beam Autofocus
Exposure Control: Program AE
Film Speed Setting: ISO 25-3200(?) set automatically
Film Loading / Advance / Rewind: Autowind and rewind.
Shutter Speeds: Shutter speeds of 1/15-1/500s.
Self Timer: 10-second delay.
Power: One 3V CR123A lithium battery. (3V)
This point and shoot might look like a toy, but don’t let it’s looks fool you.
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