POTD 22.01.19: Snow Day Toronto

Here are a few images taken during the big snow storm we had a couple days back. I’m so happy to have some winter weather in the city.

"Wet Cold" in Toronto

I'm super excited that we are finally getting some winter weather here in Toronto. Lots of snow and temperatures below zero. FINALLY! It makes me feel like I'm back home in Manitoba. I've been shooting more often to enjoy this winter weather. Here are some images from these walk-abouts.

Disclaimer: not all of these images are winter related! I'm mostly using this opportunity to post some images I haven't had a chance to share. ENJOY :)

Chasing Winter - Muskoka

The weather around Toronto is making this prairie boy feel a little homesick... It's December 10 and I haven't seen any snow around the city, not even a flake! I haven't even had to bust out the winter parka yet. What the heck is even happening? Compared to Manitoba I knew it was going to be a milder climate, but this is madness! According to the weather network I don't need to worry because the cold weather and snow is indeed on it's way, but I just couldn't wait. My lady and I decided to head north to find some of this winter weather. We headed up to Muskoka for a day and hiked around Hardy Lake. We were not disappointed. Fresh snow and cool weather, the full winter experience!

Below are a few images from our Hardy Lake hike. Click on the thumbnails to view the full image.


Copious amounts of snow, nipping winds and the worst drivers imaginable! That's right, winter is in full swing here in The Peg! Over the holidays we got blasted by snow...  like a lot of snow! Here in Winnipeg we had record breaking amounts. In December alone we had more snow than the entire winter of 2015-2016. We really lived up to the nickname "Winterpeg Manisnowba". I don't mind the snow, but it kind of put the kibosh on me getting some northern lights photos. To give you an idea of how much snow there was, I was stuck in my grandparents drive way for 3 days until the rural snow plow came to dig us out. I was kind of bummed out that I didn't get the chance to shoot the aurora. On the upside, over the month of December I was able to get some really fun, wintery pictures. I love shooting in crazy weather conditions, so this month was great for me. Here is a selection of some of my favourite snowing/winter shots to remind you that baby, it's cold outside. Chill out and enjoy! :)


Also here is some bonus content. Just a snowy video!